Investigative Solutions
Asset Investigations
What is an Asset Investigation?
Asset Investigations (a.k.a. Asset Search, Asset Check) involves a nationwide search of public records to locate personal property or real estate held by a person or corporate entity. These searches will uncover value and any potential liabilities that may be tied to the property.
How Does an Asset Investigation Work?
Asset investigations can be completed in a number of ways, all focusing on piecing together the puzzle of an individual or company's financial puzzle. Depending on why you need an asset check, the investigation can include a basic background check, a computer investigation, surveillance work, or a financial or business background check. Asset investigations basically work by uncovering exactly what sorts of collectible assets someone has. Whether you are investigating a business or individual, an asset investigator will determine how likely you are to get money in a court case. An asset investigation can also tell you how secure someone's assets are before you trust a company or individual with your business.
Only an asset investigation conducted by one of our qualified private investigators can find out whether a business or person is using a fictitious business name, is using fraud, is hiding assets, or has multiple judgments or a track record of fraud against them. Knowing this can not only help you in court, but can also give you the information and facts that you need to do everyday business.
Types of Asset Investigations and What We Will Uncover
2973 Harbor Blvd., Suite 682 Costa Mesa, California 92626
Telephone: (714) 884-3321 California License: PI 26446