Complete Investigations for Personal Injury Victims.
Victims of personal injury often face hospitalization, high medical bills, lost wages and years of pain and painful memories. The consequences of accidents can be devastating to innocent victims and their families.
We know how to quickly find the real cause of your accident and discover exactly who is responsible for the wrongdoing you have experienced.
Protection for You When You Are Wrongly Accused of Personal Injury.
Some dishonest people may try to exaggerate or even fabricate situations to get payment from you or your company.
We use proven methods along with some of the latest surveillance techniques to expose the dishonest party and save you from the costs of fraudulent claims.
We work with top attorneys in the field so that you can rest assured that justice is working for you, and that you will be able to get your life back in order.
Some of the services that we offer:
Auto accidents and injuries
Boating accidents and injuries
Motorcycle accidents and injuries
Recreational Off-Roading accidents and injuries
Property accidents and injuries
Privateyez Investigative Solutions
2973 Harbor Blvd., Suite 682 Costa Mesa, California 92626
Telephone: (714) 884-3321 California License: PI 26446